Vacancy / Footfall Update

It’s been busy for openings since Christmas with 12 new businesses opening in the Town Centre so far this year.  We welcome them all to the Town Centre family and hope they are settling in and trading well.  There are another 8 businesses due to open before Easter, and 2 moving to larger premises, which is a positive story for Worthing Town Centre.  The current vacancy rate is 5.3% across the town which is very favourable to the 14.1% national figure.

Worthing Footfall is recovering but is still 20.3% down on pre-pandemic levels; however, nationally footfall in Town and City Centres is still 23.6% down.  Talking to businesses sales figures are getting back on track and so it appears the reduction will be office workers now working from home.

We would like to thank Worthing Borough Council for introducing a £2 for 2 hours rate in the multi-storey Car Parks from 28th March.  This will make parking in Worthing very competitive, and in many cases cheaper, than other major towns in Sussex.
